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  • Writer's pictureS.R. Mullins

My Favorite Books

We all have favorite books and favorite authors. Here are a few of mine.

I was lucky enough to get bite by the reader bug but not until I was in my 20's.

Growing up I hated to read, no matter what the subject might be. I found myself reading the same words over and over, and my mind would just wonder to other subjects. It wasn't until a friend I went to high school with was cast in the 'Twilight' movie. I figured it would be nice to read the book before the movie to support my friend. Well I couldn't put the first book down and read all of them as quickly as possible. It was an obsession from that day forward.

I want to share my favorites to both honor their incredible work and make sure that if you have missed them, that you know about them know.


Tied With Me by Kristen Proby I don't know exactly what it is about this book or Kristen Proby herself but it is amazing! When I first found Kristen's books only the first two in the With Me In Seattle series was out. For the last 6 plus years, I have waited with baited breath for each new book and each new series. Kristen is incredible and if you have not heard them STOP now and go pick them up.


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